We Must Change our BEING to be TRANSFORMED
We can see the effects of transformation as a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. Some parts of its anatomy take on new shapes, while others seem to disappear and completely new features emerge. It would be easy to assume the caterpillar isn't playing an active role in this journey. But think about the incredible behavior changes it made to bring about this transformation. While biologically wired to make these changes, they are remarkable. The caterpillar's daily life comes to a halt as it engages in the process of transformation. Ultimately, it becomes a significantly, even wholly, different being. Once limited to a slow crawl on Earth, it will soon view its surroundings from the sky.
Imagine if the caterpillar had a choice to be different and thought, "I'd love to strap on some wings so I could fly." It wants to be different but doesn't want to change. The caterpillar won't survive without adapting to suit its new life in the sky. Without committing to a transformation, the caterpillar hasn't changed at all. Instead, it's thrown on a mask, pretending to be something it isn't. A "living in the moment" approach will likely have dire consequences.
Transformation takes time. Joe Pine, a renowned Experience Designer and author, developed a model showing the commitment needed to bring about true transformation. The model shows that transformation is only noticeable once a person has changed their BEING. Let's look at an example.
Have you ever wanted to achieve new levels of health, make a diet change, and then, a few months later, find yourself back to your same old habits? You may have watched an engaging, memorable YouTube video that inspired you to change the way you eat. You try a few new recipes, stop visiting your favorite drive-through, and shift to veggies for snacking. Besides a few food choices, life is essentially the same, and all is mostly "normal." Where is this change headed?
What started as a memorable, engaging experience led to little more than a reactionary moment. Falling back on old dietary choices is almost inevitable for most of us UNTIL we commit to the time and energy of transformation. Once we change our BEING, how we think, act, and interact with others and the world around us, we can transform.
How are you and your organization taking on transformation? Are you creating a culture that helps everyone change their being? How are you shifting behaviors and getting people to think in new, focused ways? Have the training programs, professional development opportunities, and group meetings effectively transformed people? If not, have you asked yourself, "Why are we spending our time and money on these programs?"
If you're ready to build transformative experiences, reach out to share your thoughts. We look forward to working with you.