“Brain Fried” Cure

As the year rounds out, everyone seems to be at some stage of "BRAIN-FRIED." We fall somewhere between synged around the edges and burnt to a crisp. Culturally, we've created a rather turbulent period from late October to the end of December. The completion of one year represents a complex time when projects, budgets, and experiences come to an end, making way for something new. While we're at it, let's throw in a few holidays. Meals, visits, travel, and family represent welcome changes to our pace, but changes nonetheless. We also see the new year as better, bigger, or less of what's happening now and more of something else. Our desire for rest is high, and at the same time, we experience the pressure to make positive improvements in the coming months.

I recently had the opportunity to lead a two-hour experience design session. The goal is to launch a new community experience in 2025. The team's all-around status was clearly "BRAIN-FRIED." But I was ready. The cure for being BRAIN-FRIED isn't less brain work. The cure is MORE brain work. Or, better yet, different brain work.

If you've spent the week sitting and working at your desk, doing something more physical is the best way to rejuvenate. For example, taking a walk, running, or riding a bike. You may feel tired. But the solution is MORE activity, unlike what you've been doing.

Thinking works the same way. When we're BRAIN-FRIED, our thoughts seem cloudy, we can't focus, our emotions take over our logical thinking, and our creativity comes to a standstill. We usually spend more time on tactical, linear thinking. In cognitive terms, we need to take our brains out for the equivalent of a walk to cure being BRAIN-FRIED. How?

The two-hour experience design session allowed us to think at a different pace, using unique rules of engagement, including modes to document, share, and refine our ideas. We may have started from a state of being BRAIN-FRIED, but everyone left with renewed energy.

The power of facilitated design sessions to invigorate teams around ideas, challenges, and opportunities always amazes me. These sessions are the work I jump out of bed every morning to do.

Being BRAIN-FRIED isn't isolated to the end of the year. If your team is ready to take your brain out for a run, let's connect. I'd love to hear how we can help you in 2025.

Mark Burke


“Learning-Experience” Design: An Oxymoron?